Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Summertime Decision....

A Grave Interest has been posting on Tuesdays and Fridays.  For the next two months, I will be taking Tuesdays off.  After starting a new job, moving to a different section of the country, and preparing to present and speak at the Family History Midwest expo, (YEAH!) http://www.familyhttp://www.familyhistoryexpos.com/speakersdetails.aspx?eid=35
I'm finding there is not enough time for me to do everything I love to do.

Joy & Brian on the Kentucky River
Plus, my husband Brian, requested that I find some free time so we could enjoy the summer (and some cemeteries) together.  So, with that in mind, from now until Tuesday, September 6, A Grave Interest will only post on Fridays, except for the first Tuesday of the month feature "Cemeteries Worth the Visit" which will continue. (As will the regular Friday posting of this blog.)

Thank you for understanding!  I truly LOVE doing this!

So check back this Friday for information on how the National Cemetery system came about.

Now, let's go enjoy the summer and all of those cemeteries just waiting to be explored!!

Till Friday!



  1. Good luck on your new job and location. Enjoy your Tuesdays with the hubby. JLK/NK

  2. Enjoy your summer and your new projects in life. I look forward to reading your blog on Fridays. :)

  3. Thanks so much everyone! I LOVE doing this - but some free time sounds good too! ; )

  4. Have a wonderful summer with Brian! As always I look forward to your posts.
