Friday, November 23, 2012

Indigent Burials

(Indigent as defined by, “lacking food, clothing, and other necessities of life because of poverty; needy; poor; impoverished.)

As we approach December, the weather becomes colder.  This means that many indigent people without adequate shelter and lodging will face sever hardships, some even death. 

The most common causes of indigent deaths are due to poor health or exposure to the elements, especially in the winter.  Other causes include disease, drugs or alcohol, and violence.
What happens when a person who is considered to be indigent dies without the where-with-all to plan or pay for a funeral?  It depends on where they die. Usually the county, town, or township where they have died will handle the details.

Financial Forms
Qualifications for indigent burials vary, again, depending on where the death occurred.  Most counties or states will require that proof of financial hardship be provided, along with other documentation such as bank statements, pay stubs, motor vehicle, and real estate records. 

If the indigent person is homeless, the coroner’s office, or a local hospital may conduct a search to try and locate family. Since the homeless usually carry everything they own with them, many times a social worker’s name, or that of a family member or friend may be found among their possessions. 

Other forms pertaining to any government assistance, Veteran’s benefits, or Social Security may help to identify the deceased and locate relatives.  If there are no leads, an investigation may research local missing persons to see if there is a match with the deceased.

A "Potter's Field"
Depending on where the person dies, an indigent may be transferred to a medical school for research or dissection education, cremated, or given a basic burial in the local Potter’s Field.   

Particle Board Coffin
If an in-ground burial is given, it will typically include embalmment of the body, and placement in a burial box, usually made of particle board – wood scraps and sawdust glued together. The deceased’s name is written on top of the box, if it is known.  A Committal Prayer may be said at the graveside before burial. A numbered, metal stake will be placed at the grave, since headstones are usually not provided.

Cemetery Backhoe
Mass Burials at Potters Field
When the indigent die in the city, there may be one day of each week that is designated for these burials.  The deceased will all be taken at the same time to the local cemetery’s Potter’s Field where the graves are dug and a backhoe waits to fill them in.

But there are places in this country where they are attempting to bury their homeless with some remaining dignity.

Louisville, Kentucky
One such area is in Louisville, Kentucky.  Students at Louisville Catholic schools, as well as the University of Louisville and Bellarmine University, are working with the Jefferson County’s Coroner’s office to help provide burial services for the indigent.  Students attend the graveside services, and some also volunteer to act as pallbearers.

The Jefferson County Coroner’s Office is the sponsor of a program that provides permanent markers for the indigent as a way to “acknowledge their time on earth.”   The program, known as “Be a Memory Maker,” raises money to purchase grave markers for the indigent, mentally ill, disabled, or disenfranchised who die in the community.  A grave marker costs around $300.  To find out more about the program, visit

Jefferson County Courthouse
If you would like to donate to the Be a Memory Maker program for the holidays, you can make your check payable, in any amount, to Be a Memory Maker and mail to:

Be A Memory Maker
Jefferson County Coroner’s Office
810 Barret Ave., 7th floor
County Coroner’s Office
Louisville, KY 40204

HFBA Burial
In New York, the Hebrew Free Burial Association makes arrangements for indigent and impoverished Jews in New York City to receive prompt, dignified funerals and burials.  The HFBA began in the 1880’s and is the largest free burial society outside of Israel.  They have provided over 60,000 burials since 1888. The HFBA owns two cemeteries on Staten Island: Mount Richmond Cemetery and Silver Lake Cemetery.  As many as 300 people receive free burials each year in consecrated Jewish earth.

HFBA Leave Your Mark Sponsers
HFBA Grave Markers
The HFBA also has a program, Leave Your Mark, which places simple permanent markets at unmarked graves in Mount Richmond Cemetery.  A grave marker costs $150.  To learn more about the HFBA and the Leave Your Mark program, visit

For those who were lonely, and alone, at the time of death, these small acts of compassion allow some dignity and respect to be paid to their memory.

~ Joy

Friday, November 16, 2012

Cemetery Responsibilities

Maintained Cemetery
Well Kept Cemetery
It’s a question that can be concerning, even confusing – Just who is responsible for a cemetery’s upkeep?  The answers depend on many factors but the bottom line usually appears to be as follows:

Property Tax Form
Whoever is paying the property taxes on the cemetery ground is the individual, corporation, or entity that is responsible for it.

Digging a Grave
Broken Stone
Traditionally, a cemetery’s responsibilities include the allotment and maintenance of the grounds used for burials, and for grave preparation. The family would be responsible for the care and repair of the tombstones.

Cemetery Owned By Bardstown
Charlotteville Cemetery
A cemetery can be owned by an individual, a corporation, a church, a town, a city, township, county, or state.  And the laws will differ depending on the group or government agency that owns a cemetery. 

Cemetery Owned by Indiana Town
In Indiana, if a township owns a cemetery, it must fence it, keep the ground level, keep the weeds down, and straighten leaning tombstones.  But, if a town, city, or county owns the cemetery, then Indiana has no laws that describe how the cemetery should be maintained or preserved.

Uncared for Cemetery
Church Cemetery
In South Carolina, state laws do not tackle the legal responsibilities for cemetery maintenance.  An active cemetery, one that is still being used for burials, should be maintained by its owners.  If the cemetery is private, such as a church, organization, or family cemetery, the owners should perform maintenance.  But many times these cemeteries are forgotten and abandoned.  Bottom line in South Carolina, the family and descendents are expected to care for the graves of their ancestors.

Cemetery Sign
Michigan tries to establish ownership of its cemeteries.  Historic cemeteries will have a sign posted that names the entity in charge of the property.  If a small cemetery has been abandoned in Michigan, it will become the property of the current landowner.

An Illinois Cemetery
The Illinois Cemetery Care Act states that there are two types of cemeteries in the state, licensed and exempt.  A licensed cemetery is owned by a for-profit group, and falls under the jurisdiction of the State Comptrollers Office.  That means the cemetery owner is responsible for the care of the cemetery, its lots, graves, mausoleums, memorials, and markers.

Exempt Cemetery
An exempt cemetery is one that is owned by a non-profit group.  The Illinois State Comptrollers Office does not have legal jurisdiction over these cemeteries.  However, “a cemetery maintenance district can be established by petitioning the county commission or township clerk for a tax levy to maintain and control the burial site.”  This would place the care of the cemetery upon the county’s government.  This also helps to lessen the abandonment of cemeteries when individuals and groups cannot or do not continue to care for them.

White Bronze Planter
Cemetery with a Lack of Funds
Cemeteries are abandoned or “die” because there is no one left to care for them.  This is usually the case in small family cemeteries and in private, church, or organizational cemeteries. 

Uncared for

A cemetery may also be abandoned because of lack of money.  If an older cemetery has reached capacity and has no perpetual care funds to assist with the maintenance of the grounds and stones, an owner may simply walk away and leave the site unattended, and uncared for.

County Courthouse
County Offices
Where should you go to locate the identity of a cemetery owner?  Many times an inquiry at the local town, village, city, township hall, or country clerks office will produce that name.  The County Recorder of Deeds or the County Assessors Office can also provide a legal description of the property.

As Benjamin Franklin so poignantly said, "Show me your burial grounds and I'll show you a measure of the civility of a community."  

It is indeed in our society's best interest to keep our cemeteries well maintained and cared for, for they are the annals of our past and our present, describing just who we were to future generations.

~ Joy

~ Joy

Friday, November 9, 2012

The November Pogrom (Kristallnacht or The Night of Broken Glass)

Marching Nazis
Seventy-four years ago tonight, the German Nazi party took their first steps toward instigating the beginning of what was to become the Holocaust. 

SS Raid
Ransacked Jewish Home
On November 9, 1938, the SS, SA storm troopers, and Hitler Youth took to the streets in Germany and Austria, destroying synagogues, desecrating Jewish cemeteries, and damaging Jewish homes and businesses.

The pogrom (a state organized and executed act of terror) was triggered by the assignation of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan. 

Polish Jews Being Expelled
Hershel Grynszpan
Grynszpan, a 17-year-old Polish Jew living in France, was trying to draw the world’s attention to the Nazi’s treatment of over 12,000 Polish-born Jews.  On October 28, 1938, Hitler had ordered them expelled from Germany within 24 hours.  Grynszpan’s family was part of the expulsion.

German Embassy
Ernst vom Rath
After Grynszpan received a postcard from his sister, detailing their flight from Germany, and Poland’s refusal to allow them entry, he purchased a gun.  On the morning of November 7, Grynszpan went to the Germany Embassy in Paris, and requested to see a
Herschel Grynszpan in Custody
German official.  When he was ushered into the office of Ernst vom Rath, Grynszpan shot him three times.  Grynszpan then waited for the French police to arrive and arrest him. In his pocket he carried a postcard he had written to his parents.  It read, “May God forgive me… I must protest so that the whole world hears my protest, and that I will do.” *

Joseph Goebbels
Broken Shop Windows
On November 9, 1938, vom Rath died of his wounds. Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels saw an opportunity to act against Jewish citizens. Goebbels issued instructions letting party leaders know that they could organize “spontaneous demonstrations” against the Jews in retaliation to vom Rath’s death. 

Damaged Storefront
Hitler Youth
These riots, led by storm troopers, the SS, German police, and Hitler Youth, began about 10:30 P.M. By morning, Nazi officials reported 91 Jews were killed, 1,000 Jews had been arrested, and 25,000 Jewish men - one third of all Jewish men in Germany - had been rounded up and sent to concentration camps, where, according to Nazi figures, more than 1,000 of them later died. 

Marched Through Town
The actual number of those killed is unknown. Some reports state the number could have been close to 1,000. It was reported that 30,000 Jewish men, between the ages of 16 and 60, were arrested and taken to concentration camps.  Over 2,000 died there within the next three months.
Map of Synagogues Destroyed

Official Nazi damage figures released the next day showed that 191 synagogues were demolished, and 815 Jewish businesses were destroyed.

Synagogue Ablaze
Destroyed Synagogue
Actual figures showed that 276 synagogues were set on fire that night, and over 1,670 synagogues were damaged or destroyed. Over 7,500 Jewish businesses and homes were obliterated.  In Vienna, Austria, 95 synagogues or houses of prayer were destroyed.

Burning Synagogue
Desecrated Cemetery
An unknown number of Jewish cemeteries were desecrated and destroyed, most located next to synagogues.  Among those was Schmieheim Cemetery in West Baden, the largest Jewish cemetery in Germany.  According to the United States Consul in Leipzig, the violence and vandalism reigned on the sacred sites and cemeteries were described as “approaching the ghoulish.”  Tombstones were damaged and uprooted.  Graves were dug up and violated.

Looted and Damaged Shop
50 Million Reichmark
On November 12, the Jewish community was fined 1 billion reichmarks for the damages incurred. In addition, another 4 million marks was demanded to repair shop windows.

German Citizens Hurry Past
Although Nazi officials thought that German citizens would take part in the
Jews Marched to Camps
destruction of Jewish synagogues, homes and businesses on November 9th, few did.  Citizens seemed to find it prudent to stand aside, or stay home with their windows closed and doors locked. But Nazi officials did realize that 60-million Germans had shown personal fear, or indifference to the plight of the Jews on the night of the pogrom.  Information worth knowing…

Hermann Goring
On November 12, Hermann Göring spoke at a formal government meeting, stating, “I implore competent agencies to take all measures for the elimination of the Jew from the German economy, and to submit them to me.”

The Holocaust had begun.

~ Joy

Hershel Grynszpan
*Herschel Grynszpan was held by the French government until 1940 when the Vichy government turned him over to the Nazis.  He spent time in several prisons and concentrations camps.  Then, sometime after 1942, Grynszpan vanished - without a trace.